November 6, 2024December 3, 2024Data Analysis, Generalization of findings, Reporting accuracy US Elections – Don’t blame survey science Wondering why US pollsters got it wrong? Non-response bias is the primary reason. In 2024, the vast majority of election [...]Read more
October 16, 2024November 26, 2024Generalization of findings, Statistical significance Foundations: No p-values for Census data A Census survey gathers information from every member (unit) of the Target Population. A random sample survey, on the other [...]Read more
September 3, 2024November 26, 2024Collecting data, Generalization of findings, Reporting accuracy, Weighting So what IS Survey Methodology, anyway? Survey Methodology relates to the approach taken to select survey respondents (sampling) and to other key facets of a survey [...]Read more
June 12, 2024November 26, 2024Data Analysis, Generalization of findings, Reporting accuracy Qualitative Research: The Forbidden Extrapolation Qualitative research cannot be extrapolated to a Target Population. Period. Only quantitative research with specific design structures can be statistically [...]Read more